The Trust has managed the garden area behind Thorneloe & Co Solicitors since early 2022, which has been named Jubilee Garden in honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We thank Carrie and Harriet Thorneloe for allowing us to manage the garden and for opening it up for the village to use. The entrance to Jubilee Garden is behind the solicitors, just off the square on Old Ashford Road, opposite Chequers Fish Bar.
Since we began to manage the garden our volunteers have worked hard to clear the garden. As well as general clearing, grass-cutting, weeding and pruning, we have installed benches at either side of the garden, so that visitors can relax and enjoy the view of either the church or The Square. Over 200 bulbs were planted at the end of 2022, giving a wonderful display of different daffodil varieties. Shrubs have been planted and signage installed at the gate.
We hope this will become a popular spot to sit and watch the world go by.